Your Tea

Feeling tired, bloated or just not yourself? Then you need to get onto Your Tea. Your Tea helps promote breakdown in the toxins that you take into your body without you knowing. That chocolate cake, chips or vodka? Yup, its not great for you but it tastes good. This is where Your Tea helps. Choose […]

Heywood 1922

Heywood 1922 is a fantastic brand that comes from Australia. A true Gentleman’s attire. Men’s fashion accessories, Bow ties, Neck ties & Pocket hanks. Check out there website HERE     This below gives you a little history of the company and where it came from – Brothers Blake and Jordan run Heywood 1922; a men’s […]

Little bit of photography..

Since getting into the model industry I always wanted to see and do what the professional photographers do. So for Christmas last year i got a Nikon D3100 and ever since i have been snapping away. I have to say i love it!! Let me know what you think and if i should continue